/*! * Copyright Zendesk, Inc. * * By downloading or accessing this software, You agree to the Zendesk Terms of Service (https://www.zendesk.com/company/terms) and Application Developer and API License Agreement (https://www.zendesk.com/company/application-developer-and-api-license-agreement) and acknowledge that such terms govern Your use of and access to the software. * */ !function(e, t) { "object" == typeof exports && "object" == typeof module ? module.exports = t() : "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define([], t) : "object" == typeof exports ? exports.zChat = t() : e.zChat = t(); }(window, function() { return function(e) { function t(i) { if (n[i]) return n[i].exports; var o = n[i] = { i: i, l: !1, exports: {} }; e[i].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t); o.l = !0; return o.exports; } var n = {}; t.m = e; t.c = n; t.d = function(e, n, i) { t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { enumerable: !0, get: i }); }; t.r = function(e) { "undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.toStringTag && Object.defineProperty(e, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" }); Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }; t.t = function(e, n) { 1 & n && (e = t(e)); if (8 & n) return e; if (4 & n && "object" == typeof e && e && e.__esModule) return e; var i = Object.create(null); t.r(i); Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: e }); if (2 & n && "string" != typeof e) for (var o in e) t.d(i, o, function(t) { return e[t]; }.bind(null, o)); return i; }; t.n = function(e) { var n = e && e.__esModule ? function() { return e.default; } : function() { return e; }; t.d(n, "a", n); return n; }; t.o = function(e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); }; t.p = "../../bin/"; return t(t.s = 50); }([ function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { var n = {}, i = {}, o = function(t) { return !e.nodeType && e != window && e != document || ("FORM" != e.tagName || "submit" != t) && (!d.isCustomEvents && (d.isFF && d.isFF < 9 ? !document.createEvent("event")[t.toUpperCase()] : void 0 === e["on" + t])); }, r = function(t, i) { if (!t && "function" != typeof i) throw "bad arguments to on / addEventListener"; if (!(t in n)) { n[t] = []; o(t) || s(t); } n[t].push(i); return e; }, s = function(t) { if (!(t in i)) { i[t] = function(i) { i && (i.stopPropagation || h(i)); var o, r = n[t], s = r.length, a = !0; r._active = !0; for (o = 0; o < s; o++) try { if (!r[o]) continue; !1 === r[o].call(e, d.isCustomEvents && i instanceof d.CustomEvent ? i.detail : i) && (a = !1); } catch (e) { f.fire("error", e); } r._active = !1; if (r._dirty) { for (o = 0; o < s; o++) if (!r[o]) { o == s - 1 ? r.pop() : r[o--] = r.pop(); s--; } r._dirty = !1; } if (!1 === a) { if (i) { i.preventDefault(); i.returnValue = !1; } return !1; } }; e.attachEvent ? e.attachEvent("on" + t, i[t]) : e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener(t, i[t], !1); } }, a = function(t) { var o = i[t]; if (o) { e.attachEvent ? e.detachEvent("on" + t, o) : e.addEventListener && e.removeEventListener(t, o, !1); delete i[t]; delete n[t]; } }, c = function(t, o) { var r = n[t]; if (r) { for (var s = 0, c = r.length; s < c; s++) if (r[s] === o) { 1 == r.length ? i[t] ? a(t) : delete n[t] : r._active ? (r[s] = null, r._dirty = !0) : s == c - 1 ? r.pop() : r[s] = r.pop(); break; } return e; } }, u = function() { if (n && i) { for (var e in i) i.hasOwnProperty(e) && a(e); n = i = null; } }, l = function(t, i) { if (!d.isCustomEvents || o(t)) { var r = n[t], s = !0; if (r && r.length) { r._active = !0; var a, c, u; for (a = 0, c = r.length; a < c; a++) try { if (!r[a]) continue; u = r[a].call(e, i); !1 === u && (s = !1); } catch (e) { f.fire("error", e); } r._active = !1; if (r._dirty) { for (a = 0; a < c; a++) if (!r[a]) { a == c - 1 ? r.pop() : r[a--] = r.pop(); c--; } r._dirty = !1; } } return s; } return e.dispatchEvent(new d.CustomEvent(t, { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0, detail: i })); }, h = function(e) { e.preventDefault = h.preventDefault; e.stopPropagation = h.stopPropagation; e.target = e.srcElement; }; h.preventDefault = function() { this.returnValue = !1; }; h.stopPropagation = function() { this.cancelBubble = !0; }; var p = { fire: l, on: r, un: c, unextendEvents: u }; if (t) return p; for (var m in p) p.hasOwnProperty(m) && (e[m] = p[m]); d.bugs.leaksMemory && d.bugs.leaksMemory(function() { for (var t in p) p.hasOwnProperty(t) && (e[t] = null); }); return e; } function o(e) { a(0, e); } function r(e) { a(1, e); } function s(e) { a(2, e); } function a(e, t) { e <= h ? t() : p[e].push(t); } function c(e) { for (;h < e; ) { h++; for (var t = 0; t < p[h].length; t++) p[h][t](); p[h] = null; } } function u() { h > 0 || (document.body && document.body.firstChild ? c(1) : window.setTimeout(u, 200)); } function l() { c(2); } var d = n(2), f = { extend: i, body: i(document.body, !0), window: i(window, !0), document: i(document, !0), runAfterScriptReady: o, runAfterFirstChildReady: r, runAfterDomReady: s }; f.extend(f); var h = 0, p = [ [], [], [], [] ]; u(); !function() { var e; if (d.isSafari) e = window.setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState)) { window.clearInterval(e); l(); } }, 20); else if (document.addEventListener) /loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState) ? l() : document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", l, !1); else if (d.isIE) { window.attachEvent("onload", l); var t = document.createElement("document:ready"); e = window.setInterval(function() { if (/loaded|complete/i.test(document.readyState)) { t = null; window.clearInterval(e); l(); } else { try { t.doScroll("left"); } catch (e) { return; } t = null; window.clearInterval(e); l(); } }, 200); } }(); e.exports = f; }, function(e, t) { var n = function(e) { return function(e, t) { return t ? null == e : void 0 === e; }; }(); e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i() { function e(e) { return e.replace(/^http:/, N ? "https:" : "http:"); } function t() { if (void 0 !== window.innerHeight) return window.innerHeight; if (document.documentElement) return document.documentElement.offsetHeight; var e = document.getElementsByTagName("body"); return e.length ? e[0].clientHeight : 0; } function n() { if (void 0 !== window.innerWidth) return window.innerWidth; if (document.documentElement) return document.documentElement.offsetWidth; var e = document.getElementsByTagName("body"); return e.length ? e[0].clientWidth : 0; } function i() { if (!r(s)) return s; var e = document.createElement("div"), t = document.createElement("div"), n = e.style, i = t.style; n.overflow = "auto"; n.width = n.height = "100px"; n.position = "absolute"; n.top = "-1000px"; i.width = "100%"; i.height = "200px"; e.appendChild(t); document.body.appendChild(e); s = e.offsetWidth - e.clientWidth; document.body.removeChild(e); return s; } var s, a, c = navigator, u = c.userAgent.toLowerCase(), l = +(/trident.*rv:? *([0-9]+)/.exec(u) || [])[1] || !1, d = function() { for (var e = 3, t = document.createElement("div"), n = t.getElementsByTagName("i"); t.innerHTML = "", n[0]; ) ; return e > 4 ? e : document.documentMode; }(), f = 8 === d, h = 7 === d, p = 6 === d, m = !!window.opera && "[object Opera]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(window.opera), g = u.indexOf("edge") > -1, _ = "Google Inc." === c.vendor, v = "Apple Computer, Inc." === c.vendor, y = !g && !d && !m && (_ || v || /webkit|khtml/.test(u)), w = +/\d+/.exec(/firefox\/\d+/i.exec(c.userAgent) || ""), b = -1 !== u.indexOf("iphone"), $ = -1 !== u.indexOf("ipod"), E = -1 !== u.indexOf("ipad"), k = b || E || $, T = -1 !== u.indexOf("android"), O = -1 !== u.indexOf("wp7"), L = k || T || O, x = d && "msie" || w && "firefox" || m && "opera" || _ && "chrome" || v && "safari", A = "CSS1Compat" === document.compatMode, I = !A, R = d && I && document.documentElement && !!document.documentElement.style.setExpression, C = document.documentMode || d, S = -1 !== u.indexOf("windows") || -1 !== u.indexOf("win32"), D = -1 !== u.indexOf("macintosh") || -1 !== u.indexOf("mac os x"), N = "https:" === document.location.protocol, P = c.language || c.browserLanguage || c.userLanguage || c.systemLanguage, M = { noBoxSizing: C <= 7, ie: { cssBottomRight: p, cssFixed: p || R, buggyCSS: p || R } }, V = "textContent" in document.createElement("div"), j = !1, U = null; try { if (window.CustomEvent && /\[native code\]|\[object CustomEventConstructor\]/.test(window.CustomEvent.toString())) { new window.CustomEvent("testevent", { bubbles: !1, cancelable: !0, detail: !0 }); j = !0; U = window.CustomEvent; } } catch (e) {} switch (x) { case "msie": case "firefox": case "chrome": a = +/\d+/.exec(new RegExp(x + "[ /]\\d+").exec(u) || ""); break; default: a = +/\d+/.exec(/version[ \/]\d+/.exec(u) || ""); } var q = !1; try { var z = { get passive() { q = !0; } }, K = function() {}; window.addEventListener("test", K, z); window.removeEventListener("test", K, z); } catch (e) { q = !1; } if (p) { var F = []; M.leaksMemory = function(e) { o.isFunction(e); F.push(e); }; var W = function() { for (var e = 0; e < F.length; e++) F[e](); }; M.leaksMemory.remove = function(e) { for (var t = F.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) e == F[t] && F.splice(t, 1); }; window.attachEvent("onunload", W); } var H = "Shockwave Flash", B = "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", G = "application/x-shockwave-flash", Y = "application/x-java-vm"; return { browser: x, version: a, isStrict: A, isQuirks: I, isOpera: m, isSafari: v, isWebKit: y, isChrome: _, isAndroid: T, isIPhone: b, isIPod: $, isIPad: E, isIOS: k, isWP7: O, isMobile: L, isNewIE: l, isEdge: g, isIE: d, isIE6: p, isIE7: h, isIE8: f, isFF: w, isCustomEvents: j, CustomEvent: U, engineIE: C, bugs: M, isWindows: S, isMac: D, isSecure: N, secureURL: e, hasFlash: function() { var e, t = c.plugins && c.plugins[H]; if (t) { e = c.mimeTypes && c.mimeTypes[G]; return e && !e.enabledPlugin ? null : t.description; } if (window.ActiveXObject) try { t = new window.ActiveXObject(B); t.AllowScriptAccess = "always"; return t.GetVariable("$version"); } catch (e) {} }(), hasJava: function() { var e = c.mimeTypes; return d ? !O && ("javaEnabled" in c && c.javaEnabled()) : e && (e = e[Y]) && (e = e.enabledPlugin) ? e.name : void 0; }(), language: P, getScrollbarSize: i, getWindowClientHeight: t, getWindowClientWidth: n, isTextContent: V, hasPassiveListeners: q }; } var o = n(23), r = n(1), s = i(); s.sniffBrowser = i; e.exports = s; }, function(e, t, n) { function i() { if (window.$zopim && window.$zopim.s) return window.$zopim.s.src; for (var e, t = document.getElementsByTagName("script"), n = /.*zopim.(com|net|org)\//, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) { e = t[i].src || ""; if (n.test(e)) return e; } return ""; } function o(e) { e && !m.test(e) && (e = null); var t = "id." + (d.brandDomain || "zopim.com"); return "https://" + (e || t) + "/authenticated/web/jwt"; } function r(e) { if (e) { if (g.test(e)) return e.replace(g, "$1.zopim.com$2"); m.test(e) || (e = null); } var t = "widget-mediator." + (d.brandDomain && d.brandDomain.replace(/:[0-9]+/, "") || "zopim.com"); return e || t; } var s = n(1), a = n(4), c = n(2), u = n(46), l = n(21), d = function() { for (var e = i(), t = [ /\/?[?]/, /\/livechat\// ], n = [], o = 0; o < t.length; o++) { n = e.split(t[o]); if (n.length) break; } var r = n[1], s = n[0], a = /^(https?:)?\/\/[^\/]+/.exec(s), c = s.replace(/^(https?:)?\/\//i, "").split("/")[0], u = c.replace(/(.+\.)(?=.+\..+)/, ""), l = n[0].split("/"); l = l.pop() == c ? n[0] : l.join("/"); a = a && "zopim.com" !== c ? a[0] : "https://v2.zopim.com"; return { accountKey: r, brandDomain: u, baseURL: l, rootURL: a }; }(), f = "https://v2.zopim.com/widget", h = f + "/images", p = u.map([ ".zopim.com", ".zopim.org", ".zdch.at", ".zd-dev.com", ".bre-zd.com" ], l.escape), m = new RegExp("^[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*(\\.[a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)*(" + p.join("|") + ")(:\\d+)?$", "i"), g = /^([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*)(:\d+)?$/i; s(a.baseURL, !0) && (a.baseURL = c.secureURL(d.baseURL)); var _ = { ASSETS_URL: f, IMAGES_URL: h, SOUNDS_URL: "https://v2.zopim.com/widget/sounds", FONTS_URL: "https://v2.zopim.com/widget/fonts", ASSETS_LEGACY: document.location.protocol + "//cdn.zopim.com/assets", BRANDING_URL: "https://www.zopim.com", AVATARS: { CONCIERGE: h + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", AGENT: h + "/avatar_simple_agent.png", VISITOR: h + "/avatar_simple_visitor.png", DEFAULT: h + "/avatar_simple_visitor.png" }, ACCOUNT_KEY: d.accountKey, BRAND_DOMAIN: d.brandDomain, COUNTRY_CODE: function() { var e = ''.toUpperCase(); "<" == e.charAt(0) && (e = "geo"); return e; }(), AUTH_URL: "https://www.zopim.com/auth/$NAME/$KEY-$MID", AUTH_LOGOUT_URL: "https://www.zopim.com/auth/logout/$KEY-$MID", AUTH_SERVER_URL: o(), IS_POPOUT: window.$zopim_popout, POPOUT_WINDOW_PREFIX: "zlivechatpopout_", POPOUT_URL: d.rootURL + "/widget/livechat.html", CALLBACK_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH: "/client/widget/upload", FILE_UPLOAD_PATH: "/client/widget/uploads", FILE_UPLOAD_MAX: 20971520, RESEND_MSG_TIMEOUT: 5e3, FILE_REPLACE_SOURCE: /^(\s*https?\:\/\/v2(?:assets|uploads)\.zopim\.)com(\/)/i, FILE_REPLACE_RESULT: "$1io$2", CHAT_LOG_REMEMBER_COUNT: 10, getAuthServerURL: o, getMediatorHost: r }; e.exports = _; }, function(e, t) { var n = { build_number: "20200423.075440", git_commit: "a2e84ec3fc0a7507e1dcc0cd9c0b4c7c6519e194", release_tag: "1.11.2" }; e.exports = n; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { return "function" == typeof e; } e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { for (var n, i = document.createElement("div"), o = 0, r = P.length; o < r; o++) if (void 0 !== i.style[P[o]]) { n = t[o]; break; } return n ? e ? function(e, t, i) { e.autobind(t, n, i); } : function(e, t, i) { M && e.autounbind(t, n, i); } : function() {}; } function o(e, t) { for (var n = {}, i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) { var r = t[i]; r in e && (n[r] = e[r]); } return n; } function r() { for (var e, t, n = arguments.length, i = 1, o = arguments[0] || {}; i < n; i++) if (null != (e = arguments[i])) for (t in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && o !== e[t] && (o[t] = e[t]); return o; } function s(e, t) { for (var n in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)) if (t[n] && t[n].constructor && t[n].constructor === Object) { e[n] = e[n] || {}; s(e[n], t[n]); } else e[n] = t[n]; return e; } function a(e, t) { for (var n in t) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, n)) { if (!(n in e)) continue; t[n] && t[n].constructor && t[n].constructor === Object ? a(e[n], t[n]) : delete e[n]; } return e; } function c() { if (void 0 === x) try { x = u(); } catch (e) {} return x; } function u() { if (!window.getComputedStyle) return !1; var e = document.createElement("div"), t = "border-box"; document.body.appendChild(e); e.style.height = "10px"; e.style.padding = "5px"; e.style.boxSizing = t; e.style.webkitBoxSizing = t; e.style.mozBoxSizing = t; var n = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(e).height, 10); document.body.removeChild(e); return 10 != n; } function l(e) { var t = e.getComputedStyle(); if ("auto" == t.height) return e.getHeight(); var n = parseInt(t.height, 10) || 0; j.computedHeightBoxSizingBug() && (n += (parseInt(t.paddingTop, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(t.paddingBottom, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(t.borderTopWidth, 10) || 0) + (parseInt(t.borderBottomWidth, 10) || 0)); return n + "px"; } function d(e) { function t() { this.addClass("hover"); } function n() { this.removeClass("hover"); } if (A.bugs.noBoxSizing) { e.on("mouseover", t); e.on("mouseout", n); } } function f(e, t) { for (var n, i = t.split("."); i.length; ) { n = i.shift(); I(e[n], !0) && (e[n] = {}); e = e[n]; } return e; } function h(e, t) { if (0 === t.indexOf(e.path)) { for (var n, i = e.path.split(".").length, o = t.split(".").slice(i), r = e.update; o.length; ) { n = o.shift(); if (!(n in r)) return; r = r[n]; } return r; } } function p(e, t, n) { e = e.split("."); var i = e.pop(); if (i) { for (var o = 0, r = e.length; o < r; o++) { e[o] in n || (n[e[o]] = {}); n = n[e[o]]; } n[i] = t; } } function m(e) { for (var t = e.split("."), n = "." + t.splice(t.length - 2, 2).join("."); t.length; ) { var i = { domain: n, path: "/" }; C.set("zte2095", "1", i); if ("1" == C.get("zte2095")) { C.remove("zte2095", i); break; } n = "." + t.pop() + n; } return n; } function g(e) { return q.test(e); } function _(e) { return U.test(e); } function v(e) { if (e && "object" == typeof e) { var t = []; for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && t.push(n); return t; } } function y(e) { if (window.Image) try { var t = new window.Image(); t.onload = t.onerror = function() { e(!(1 != this.width || 1 != this.height)); }; t.src = ""; } catch (t) { e(); } else e(); } function w(e, t) { e = parseInt(e, 10); isNaN(e) && (e = 0); var n = e < 0; e = Math.abs(e).toString().split(""); for (var i = Math.max(t - e.length, 0); i--; ) e.unshift("0"); n && e.unshift("-"); return e.join(""); } function b(e, t) { function n(e, t, n) { return n.replace("", e).replace("", t); } var i = R(":"), o = R(": am"), r = R(": pm"), s = "24" === t ? 24 : 12, a = function(e, t) { return e - Math[e > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](e / t) * t; }(Math[e > 0 ? "floor" : "ceil"](e / 60), s), c = j.pad(Math.abs(e) % 60, 2); if (24 === s) return n(j.pad(a, 2), c, i); var u = 0 === a ? 12 : a; return Math.abs(e / 60) % 24 < 12 ? n(u, c, o) : n(u, c, r); } function $(e) { return e && e.replace(S.FILE_REPLACE_SOURCE, S.FILE_REPLACE_RESULT); } function E(e, t) { t = parseInt(t, 10); if (!t) return e.getValue(); var n = e.getKeys(), i = n.length, o = {}; if (i <= t) return e.getValue() || o; for (var r = 0; r < i; r++) n[r] = parseInt(n[r], 10); n = n.sort().slice(-t); var s, a = e.getValue(); if (!a) return o; for (r = 0, i = n.length; r < i; r++) { s = n[r]; o[s] = a[s]; } return o; } function k(e, t) { var n; if (e.leaf && e.parentNode) { n = {}; n[e.name] = t; e.parentNode.write(n); } else e.write(t); } function T() { if (A.isNewIE) try { "body" !== document.activeElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() && document.activeElement.focus(); } catch (e) {} } function O() { window.console && window.console.warn && window.console.warn("The Zopim widget embed code is invalid. Please email chat@zendesk.com with your account key: " + S.ACCOUNT_KEY); } function L(e, t, n) { return S.AUTH_URL.replace("$NAME", e).replace("$KEY", t).replace("$MID", n); } var x, A = n(2), I = n(1), R = n(11), C = n(16), S = n(3), D = "-webkit- -moz- -o- -ms- ".split(" "), N = "webkit Moz O ms ".split(" "), P = [ "transition", "MozTransition", "OTransition", "WebkitTransition" ], M = [ "transitionend", "transitionend", "otransitionend", "webkitTransitionEnd" ], V = [ "animationend", "animationend", "oanimationend", "webkitAnimationEnd" ], j = { contains: function() { var e = document.documentElement; return e.compareDocumentPosition ? function(e, t) { e = e.dom || e; t = t.dom || t; return !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t)); } : e.contains ? function(e, t) { e = e.dom || e; t = t.dom || t; var n = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e, i = t.parentNode; return e === i || !!(i && 1 === i.nodeType && n.contains && n.contains(i)); } : function(e, t) { e = e.dom || e; t = t.dom || t; for (;t = t.parentNode; ) if (t === e) return !0; return !1; }; }(), onTransitionEnd: i(!0, M), unTransitionEnd: i(!1, M), onAnimationEnd: i(!0, V), unAnimationEnd: i(!1, V), css_prefixes: D, cssom_prefixes: N, isStyleSupported: function() { function e(e) { for (var t = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1), i = (e + " " + N.join(t + " ") + t).split(" "), o = 0; o < i.length; o++) if (void 0 !== n[i[o]]) return !0; return !1; } var t = document.createElement("div"), n = t.style; return e; }(), pick: o, shallowExtend: r, fullyExtend: s, fullyDelete: a, computedHeightBoxSizingBug: c, getComputedHeight: l, hoverFix: d, getEffectiveTLD: m, descendsObj: f, insertObj: p, getValueByReference: h, isDefaultName: _, getKeys: v, supportsDataURI: y, isIE: function() { return A.isIE || /Trident\//.test(window.navigator.userAgent); }(), pad: w, formatMinutesAsHours: b, replaceFileHostname: $, getLastLogEntries: E, writeNode: k, isAgentNick: g, refocusActiveElement: T, warnBadEmbed: O, getAuthLoginUrl: L }, U = /^Visitor [0-9]{3,}$/, q = /^agent:[0-9]+/i; e.exports = j; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { return "[object Array]" == Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { if (!(this instanceof i)) { c || i._initSingleton(window); return c; } if (e) return i.parseQuery(e); this.store = {}; } function o(e, t, n) { if (void 0 === t && void 0 === n) return e; void 0 === t && (t = "string"); if (!(t in a)) throw "invalid type requested"; return void 0 === e ? void 0 !== n ? n : a[t] : "boolean" === t ? s.test(e) : "integer" === t ? !0 === e ? 1 : parseInt(e, 10) : "float" === t ? !0 === e ? 1 : parseFloat(e) : e; } var r = n(7), s = /^(1|on|true)$/i, a = { boolean: !1, integer: 0, float: 0, string: "" }, c = null; i._initSingleton = function(e) { c = new i(e.location.search); }; i.buildQuery = function(e) { var t, n, i, o, s, a, c = [], u = []; for (s in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, s) && c.push(s); c.sort(); for (t = 0, i = c.length; t < i; t++) { s = c[t]; a = e[s]; s = window.encodeURIComponent(s); if (r(a)) if (1 !== a.length || !0 !== a[0]) for (n = 0, o = a.length; n < o; n++) u.push(s + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(a[n] + "")); else u.push(s); else u.push(s + "=" + window.encodeURIComponent(a + "")); } return u.join("&"); }; i.parseQuery = function(e) { var t, n, o = new i(); e = e.replace(/^\?|\/+$/g, ""); var r, s, a = e.split("&"); for (t = 0, n = a.length; t < n; t++) { var c = a[t]; if (c.length) { var u = c.indexOf("="); if (u <= -1) { r = c; s = !0; } else { r = c.slice(0, u); s = window.decodeURIComponent(c.slice(u + 1)); } o.add(window.decodeURIComponent(r), s); } } return o; }; i.getHash = function(e, t) { var n = t || window.location.hash; return i.parseQuery(n.replace(/^#/, "")).get(e); }; var u = i.prototype; u.add = function(e, t) { this.has(e) ? this.store[e].push(t) : this.store[e] = [ t ]; }; u.has = function(e) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.store, e); }; u.getLast = function(e, t, n) { return this.has(e) ? this.getAt(e, this.store[e].length - 1, t, n) : o(void 0, t, n); }; u.getFirst = function(e, t, n) { return this.getAt(e, 0, t, n); }; u.getAt = function(e, t, n, i) { return o(this.has(e) ? this.store[e][t] : void 0, n, i); }; u.getRaw = function(e) { return this.has(e) ? this.store[e].concat() : []; }; u.get = u.getLast; u.toString = function() { return i.buildQuery(this.store); }; e.exports = i; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { if (!r(e)) throw new TypeError("FunctionUtils.bind - what is trying to be bound is not callable"); if (r(e.bind) && !("prototype" in e.bind)) return e.bind.apply(e, a.call(arguments, 1)); var n = a.call(arguments, 2), i = function() {}, o = function() { return e.apply(this instanceof i && t ? this : t, n.concat(a.call(arguments))); }; i.prototype = o.prototype; o.prototype = new i(); return o; } function o(e) { var t; return function() { if (!t) { t = !0; return e.apply(this, a.call(arguments)); } }; } var r = n(5), s = { bind: i, once: o }, a = Array.prototype.slice; e.exports = s; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { return '"' + e.replace(d, o) + '"'; } function o(e) { return f[e] || "\\u" + ("0000" + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-4); } function r(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "string": return i(e); case "number": return isFinite(e) ? e.toString() : "null"; case "boolean": return String(e); case "object": if (!e) return "null"; var t, n, o = []; if (u(e)) { for (t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; t++) o[t] = r(e[t]) || "null"; return "[" + o.join(",") + "]"; } var s, a, c = []; for (s in e) e.hasOwnProperty(s) && c.push(s); c.sort(); for (t = 0, n = c.length; t < n; t++) { s = c[t]; a = r(e[s]); a && o.push(i(s) + ":" + a); } if (o.length) return "{" + o.join(",") + "}"; } } function s(e, t, n) { return t ? m[t] : String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n, 16)); } function a(e) { var t, n, i, o, r, a = e.match(h), c = a.length, u = a[0]; "{" == u ? (t = {}, r = 1) : "[" == u ? (t = [], r = 1) : (t = [], r = 0, n = !0); var l = [ t ]; for (c = a.length; r < c; ++r) { u = a[r]; switch (u.charCodeAt(0)) { case 91: o = l[0]; l.unshift(o[i || o.length] = []); i = void 0; break; case 93: l.shift(); break; case 123: o = l[0]; l.unshift(o[i || o.length] = {}); i = void 0; break; case 125: l.shift(); break; case 102: o = l[0]; o[i || o.length] = !1; i = void 0; break; case 110: o = l[0]; o[i || o.length] = null; i = void 0; break; case 116: o = l[0]; o[i || o.length] = !0; i = void 0; break; case 34: u = u.substring(1, u.length - 1); -1 !== u.indexOf(_) && (u = u.replace(p, s)); o = l[0]; if (void 0 == i) { if (!(o instanceof Array)) { i = u || g; break; } i = o.length; } o[i] = u; i = void 0; break; default: o = l[0]; o[i || o.length] = +u; i = void 0; } } if (n) { if (1 == l.length) return t[0]; } else if (!l.length) return t; throw "error"; } var c = n(1), u = n(7), l = !c(window) && window.JSON || { parse: a, stringify: r }, d = /[\\\"\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f\u00ad\u0600-\u0604\u070f\u17b4\u17b5\u200c-\u200f\u2028-\u202f\u2060-\u206f\ufeff\ufff0-\uffff]/g, f = { "\b": "\\b", "\t": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", "\\": "\\\\", '"': '\\"' }, h = new RegExp('(?:false|true|null|[\\{\\}\\[\\]]|(?:-?\\b(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)(?:\\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][+-]?[0-9]+)?\\b)|(?:"(?:[^\\0-\\x08\\x0a-\\x1f"\\\\]|\\\\(?:["/\\\\bfnrt]|u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}))*"))', "g"), p = new RegExp("\\\\(?:([^u])|u(.{4}))", "g"), m = { '"': '"', "/": "/", "\\": "\\", b: "\b", f: "\f", n: "\n", r: "\r", t: "\t" }, g = new String(""), _ = "\\"; e.exports = l; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { if (isNaN(e)) { var n = new o(); n.add("_", e); return n; } -1 == e && (e = y.length); var i = y[e]; i || (y[e] = i = new o()); if ("string" == typeof t) i.add("_", t); else for (var r in t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && i.add(r, t[r]); return i; } function o() { function e(e, t) { u[e] = t; } function t(e) { r(e, d); } function n(e) { l.push(e); } function i() { return s(); } function s(e) { return u[e || w] || u._; } function a(e) { var t, n = s(e); for (t = 0; t < l.length; t++) l[t](n); } function c(e, t) { var n, i = new o(); y[u._] = i; for (var r in u) if (u.hasOwnProperty(r)) { n = u[r]; if ("string" != typeof n) continue; n = n[e].apply(n, t); i.add(r, n); } return i; } for (var u = {}, l = [], d = { add: e, bind: t, onTranslate: n, toJSON: i, toString: s, update: a }, f = [ "concat", "replace", "toLowerCase", "toUpperCase" ], h = 0; h < f.length; h++) d[f[h]] = function(e) { return function() { return c(e, arguments); }; }(f[h]); return d; } function r(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < b.length; n++) if (b[n] == e) { $[n] = t; return; } b.push(e); $.push(t); } function s(e) { for (var t = 0; t < b.length; t++) if (b[t] == e) { b.splice(t, 1); $.splice(t, 1); return; } } function a(e) { e = e.split(/-|_/).slice(0, 2); var t = e[0] = e[0].toLowerCase(); e[1] && (e[1] = e[1].toUpperCase()); e = e.join("_"); return g.languages ? e in g.languages ? e : t in g.languages ? t : null : null; } function c(e) { var t, n, o, r, s, c; e = a(e); if (e) { s = g.languages[e]; if (s) { c = _[g.languages[e]]; if (c) { i.language = w = e; v.ensureLoaded(c, function(i) { i && u(e); if (e == w) { for (t = 0, n = y.length; t < n; t++) y[t].update instanceof Function && y[t].update(e); for (t = 0, n = b.length; t < n; t++) { o = b[t]; r = $[t].toString(); if (k) o.textContent = r; else if ("string" == typeof o.innerText) o.innerText = r; else if ("string" == typeof o.nodeValue) try { o.data = r; } catch (e) {} } E._active = !0; n = E.length; for (t = 0; t < n; t++) try { E[t] && E[t](e); } catch (e) {} E._active = !1; if (E._dirty) { for (t = 0; t < n; t++) if (!E[t]) { t == n - 1 ? E.pop() : E[t--] = E.pop(); n--; } E._dirty = !1; } } }); } } } } function u(e) { var t, n = _[g.languages[e]]; for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) 0 !== n[t] && y[t].add(e, n[t]); } function l(e) { E.push(e); } function d(e) { for (var t = 0, n = E.length; t < n; t++) if (E[t] == e) { E._active ? (E[t] = null, E._dirty = !0) : t == n - 1 ? E.pop() : E[t] = E.pop(); break; } } function f() { return !(-1 == w.search(T)); } function h(e) { return f() ? e.replace(/left/, "%left%").replace(/right/, "left").replace(/%left%/, "right").replace(/ltr/, "%ltr%").replace(/rtl/, "ltr").replace(/%ltr%/, "rtl") : e; } function p() { var e = g.strings; if (e) for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) i(t, e[t]); } var m = n(2), g = n(4), _ = n(19), v = n(43), y = [], w = "_", b = [], $ = [], E = [], k = m.isTextContent, T = /^ar|^fa|^he|^ur/; i.bind = r; i.flip = h; i.onLanguage = l; i.unLanguage = d; i.update = c; i.unbind = s; i.rtl = f; i.findClosestLanguage = a; i.loadDefaultStrings = p; p(); e.exports = i; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { return "string" == typeof e; } e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { p = e; } function o(e) { E = e ? v.getAuthServerURL(e) : v.AUTH_SERVER_URL; } function r(e) { f = e; } function s() { return f; } function a(e) { if (h) { +new Date() - h.issued_at >= h.expires_in - 6e4 ? y.authenticate(function(t) { if (t) { p && p.$("visitor").$("auth_status$string").update("failed"); e(t, null); } else e(null, h.id_token); }) : e(null, h.id_token); } else e(null, null); } function c() { f = void 0; h = void 0; p && p.$("visitor").$("authenticated$bool").update(!1); } function u() { return !!h; } function l(e) { f && f(g.once(function(t) { t && m(t) ? y.exchangeToken({ account_key: v.ACCOUNT_KEY, auth_url: E, site_jwt: t, state: h && h.state ? h.state : null }, function(t, n) { h = n; p && p.$("visitor").$("authenticated$bool").update(!t); e(t); }) : e({ reason: "invalid jwt in callback" }); })); } function d(e, t) { var n = new XMLHttpRequest(); n.open("POST", e.auth_url, !0); n.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); n.onload = function() { if (t) { var e; try { var i = n.response; if ("" === i) throw w; e = JSON.parse(i); } catch (e) { t({ reason: w }); return; } 200 === n.status ? t(void 0, { issued_at: +new Date(), id_token: e.id_token, expires_in: 1e3 * e.expires_in, state: e.state }) : t({ reason: $, details: e.details }); } }; n.onerror = function() { t && t({ reason: b }); }; var i = { account_key: e.account_key, token: e.site_jwt, format: "json" }; e.state && (i.state = e.state); var o = _.buildQuery(i); n.send(o); } var f, h, p, m = n(12), g = n(9), _ = n(8), v = n(3), y = { authenticate: l, isAuthenticated: u, getSiteJWTFunc: s, retrieveIDToken: a, clearIdentity: c, setOverrideHost: o, setSiteJWTFunc: r, setDataNode: i, exchangeToken: d }, w = "format error", b = "network/security error", $ = "jwt verification error", E = v.AUTH_SERVER_URL; e.exports = y; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { b.setActivityWindow(e); T = $.ACCOUNT_KEY; g = (e || window).location.hostname; _ = /\b(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}/.test(g) ? g : E.getEffectiveTLD(g); } function o() { if ($.IS_POPOUT) return b.get(x) || y().get("mid"); var e = d(); return e || (b.get(L) || ""); } function r(e) { b.set(L, e, { path: "/", ttl: 365, domain: _ }); } function s() { b.remove(L, { path: "/", domain: _ }); } function a() { var e = f(); if ("boolean" == typeof e) return e; var t = b.get(A); t = parseInt(t, 10); return 0 !== t && (1 === t || void 0); } function c() { b.remove(A, { path: "/", domain: _ }); } function u(e) { e = v(e); e = e ? 1 : 0; b.set(A, e, { path: "/", ttl: 365, domain: _ }); } function l() { s(); w.remove(O); } function d() { var e = b.getJSONCookie("__zlcid"); b.remove("__zlcid", { path: "/" }); if (e.mID) return e.mID; var t = h("__zlcstore"); b.remove("__zlcstore", { path: "/", domain: _ }); return t && t.mID ? t.mID : void 0; } function f() { var e, t = h("__zlcprivacy"); if ("boolean" == typeof t) { e = t; u(t); } return e; } function h(e) { return b.getJSONCookie(e)[T]; } function p(e, t) { var n = w.get(O) || {}; n[T] || (n[T] = {}); var i = n[T]; i[e] = t; i.timestamp = +new Date(); w.set(O, n); } function m(e) { var t = w.get(O) || {}; if (!t[T]) return {}; var n = t[T]; return n.timestamp ? +new Date() - n.timestamp > k ? {} : n[e] : n[e] || {}; } var g, _, v = n(38), y = n(8), w = n(37), b = n(16), $ = n(3), E = n(6), k = 48e4, T = $.ACCOUNT_KEY, O = "__zlcstore", L = "__zlcmid", x = "__zlcpomid", A = "__zlcprivacy", I = { init: i, DOM: { saveVariable: p, getVariable: m }, Cookie: b, clearAll: l, setIdentity: r, getIdentity: o, clearIdentity: s, clearAllowCookieLaw: c, getAllowCookieLaw: a, setAllowCookieLaw: u }; e.exports = I; }, function(e, t, n) { function i() { var e = this; this.arr = []; this.validate = y.bind(this.validate, this); $.concat([ "validateAndThrow", "validateAndLog" ]).forEach(function(t) { e.validate[t] = e[t].bind(e); }); return this.validate; } function o(e) { return function(t) { if (0 === e.length) return !1; for (var n = 0, i = e.length; n < i; n++) { if (!(0, e[n])(t)) return !1; } return new _('Expect "' + t + '" to fulfill at least one condition', t); }; } function r(e) { return function(t) { if (t !== e) return new _('expect "' + t + '" to equal "' + e + '"', t); }; } function s(e, t) { return function(n) { if ("object" != typeof n || !n) return new _('Expect "' + n + '" to be an object', n); if (t && t.requiredKeys) for (var i = 0, o = t.requiredKeys.length; i < o; i++) { var r = t.requiredKeys[i]; if (!(r in n)) { var s = new _('Expect key "' + r + '" to be defined', n); return s.unshiftPath(r); } } for (var a in n) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, a)) { var c, u = n[a], l = e[a]; if (l) c = l(u); else { if (t && !t.whitelistedKeysOnly) continue; c = new _('The key "' + a + '" is not whitelisted', n); } if (c) return c.unshiftPath(a); } }; } function a(e) { return function(t) { if (typeof t !== e) return new _('Expect "' + t + '" to have type "' + e + '"', t); }; } function c() { return function(e) { if (!e) return new _('Expect "' + e + '" to be truthty', e); }; } function u(e) { return function(t) { e.lastIndex = 0; if (!e.test(t)) return new _('Expect "' + t + '" to match predefined format', t); }; } function l(e) { return function(t) { if (t.length < e) return new _('Expect the length of "' + t + '" to be at least ' + e, t); }; } function d(e) { return function(t) { if (t.length > e) return new _('Expect the length of "' + t + '" to be at most ' + e, t); }; } function f() { return function(e) { if (!v(e)) return new _('Expect "' + e + '" to be an Array', e); }; } function h(e) { return function(t) { var n; if (!v(t)) return new _('Expect "' + t + '" to be an Array', t); for (var i = 0, o = t.length; i < o; i++) { n = e(t[i]); if (n) return n.unshiftPath(i); } }; } function p(e, t) { return function(n) { if (!e(n)) return new _('Expect "' + n + '" to ' + t, n); }; } function m(e) { return e; } function g(e) { var t = window.console; t.error ? t.error(e) : t.log && t.log(e); } function _(e, t) { this.message = e; this.actual = t; this.paths = void 0; this.unshiftPath = function(e) { this.paths || (this.paths = []); this.paths.unshift(e); return this; }; } var v = n(7), y = n(9), w = window.Error, b = { any: o, equal: r, obj: s, type: a, ok: c, chain: m, regex: u, minLength: l, maxLength: d, array: f, each: h, predicate: p }, $ = Object.keys(b), E = i.prototype; $.forEach(function(e) { var t = b[e]; i[e] = E[e] = function() { if (!(this instanceof i)) { var n = new i(); return n[e].apply(n, arguments); } var o = t.apply(null, arguments); this.arr.push(o); return this.validate; }; }); E.validate = function(e) { for (var t, n, i = 0, o = this.arr.length; i < o; i++) { t = this.arr[i]; n = t(e); if (n) return n; } }; E.validateAndThrow = function(e, t) { var n = this.validate(e); t = t ? t + " - " : ""; if (n) throw new w(t + n.message); }; E.validateAndLog = function(e, t) { var n = this.validate(e); t = t ? t + " - " : ""; if (n) { g(new w(t + n.message)); return n; } }; e.exports = i; _.prototype = Object.create(w.prototype); _.prototype.name = "ValidationError"; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { m = e || window; h = m.encodeURIComponent; p = m.decodeURIComponent; } function o(e) { return "string" == typeof e && "" != e; } function r() { var e, t, n, i, o = m.document.cookie, r = {}; if (!o || "string" != typeof o) return {}; o = o.split(/;\s/); for (e = o.length; e--; ) try { t = o[e].match(/^([^=]+)(=(.*))?$/); if (!t) continue; n = p(t[1]); i = p(t[3] || ""); r[n] = i; } catch (e) {} return r; } function s(e) { return o(e) ? r()[e] || null : null; } function a(e) { var t = s(e), n = {}; try { n = d.parse(t); } catch (e) {} return n && "object" == typeof n ? n : {}; } function c(e, t, n) { n = n || {}; var i = h(e) + "=" + h(t); if ("ttl" in n) { var o = new Date(), r = 24 * n.ttl * 60 * 60 * 1e3; o.setTime(o.getTime() + r); i += "; expires=" + o.toGMTString(); } "path" in n && (i += "; path=" + n.path); "domain" in n && (i += "; domain=" + n.domain); n.secure && (i += "; secure"); i += "; SameSite=" + (n.samesite || "Lax"); m.document.cookie = i; } function u(e, t, n) { "object" != typeof t && (t = {}); c(e, d.stringify(t), n); } function l(e, t) { t = t || {}; t.ttl = -1; c(e, "", t); } var d = n(10), f = { set: c, get: s, getJSONCookie: a, setJSONCookie: u, remove: l, setActivityWindow: i }, h = window.encodeURIComponent, p = window.decodeURIComponent, m = window; e.exports = f; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t, n) { s.ok("function" == typeof e, "1st argument to nextTick must be a function"); if (n) for (var i = u.length; i-- > 0; ) if (u[i][0] === e && u[i][1] === t) return; u.push([ e, t ]); r || (r = setTimeout(o, 0)); } function o() { var e = +new Date() + c, t = u; u = []; r && (r = clearTimeout(r)); for (var n = 0, i = t.length; n < i; n++) { try { t[n][0].apply(t[n][1]); } catch (e) { a.fire("error", e); } if (+new Date() > e) { if (n < i - 1) { t.splice(0, n + 1); if (u.length) u = t.concat(u); else { u = t; r = setTimeout(o, 0); } } break; } } } var r, s = n(23), a = n(0), c = 100, u = []; i.tick = o; e.exports = i; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { var t, n, i = r.extend(this); try { t = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); t.open(); t.write(""); t.close(); n = t.win; } catch (e) {} if (!n) { var o = this.iframe = document.createElement("iframe"), a = o.style; i.allowTransparency = "true"; i.frameBorder = "0"; a.backgroundColor = "transparent"; a.position = "absolute"; a.width = a.height = "1px"; a.left = a.top = "-9999px"; a.border = 0; document.body.appendChild(o); try { n = o.contentWindow; t = n.document; t.open(); t.close(); } catch (e) { i.fire("error"); i.destroy(); return; } } i.doc = t; i.win = n; i.$Loader = { cleanup: function() { s(function() { i.$Loader.payload ? i.fire("success", i.$Loader.payload) : i.fire("error"); i.$Loader.payload = null; e || i.destroy(); }); } }; i.reusable = e; } function o(e) { return e && e.replace(a, function(e) { return "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";"; }); } var r = n(0), s = n(17); i.prototype.setScope = function(e) { this.scope = e; }; var a = /[&<>"']/g; i.prototype.load = function(e) { if (/^(?:https?:)?\/\//i.test(e)) { e = o(e); try { this.doc.open(); this.win.$Loader = this.$Loader; this.win.$Loader.scope = this.scope || {}; this.doc.write(''); this.doc.close(); } catch (e) { this.$Loader.cleanup(); } } else this.$Loader.cleanup(); }; i.prototype.destroy = function() { try { this.iframe && document.body.removeChild(this.iframe); this.doc = this.win = this.iframe = this.win.$Loader = null; } catch (e) {} }; e.exports = i; }, function(e, t, n) { var i = n(4), o = {}; o.$Data = i; e.exports = o; }, function(e, t) { function n(e, t) { function n() { a = !a; e.apply(o, i); } var i, o, r, s, a = !0; return function() { i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; if (a) { s = setTimeout(function() { a = !0; }, t); return n(); } s && clearTimeout(s); r && clearTimeout(r); r = setTimeout(n, t); }; } function i(e, t) { function n() { e.apply(o, i); } var i, o, r; return function() { r && clearTimeout(r); i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; r = setTimeout(n, t); }; } function o(e, t) { function n() { s = +new Date(); r = null; e.apply(o, i); } var i, o, r, s = 0; return function() { i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); o = this; if (!r) { var e = +new Date() - s; e >= t ? n() : r = setTimeout(n, t - e); } }; } function r(e, t) { function n() { s = +new Date(); i = o.length > 1 ? setTimeout(n, t) : null; e.apply(r.shift(), o.shift()); } var i, o = [], r = [], s = 0; return function() { o.push(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)); r.push(this); if (!i) { var e = +new Date() - s; e >= t ? n() : i = setTimeout(n, t - e); } }; } var s = { debounceExceptFirst: n, debounce: i, throttle: o, queue: r }; e.exports = s; }, function(e, t) { var n = "[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+(?:\\.[a-z0-9!#$%&'*+\\/=?^_`{|}~-]+)*@(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])?\\.)+([a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]*[a-z0-9])", i = "(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)", o = { email: new RegExp("^" + n + "$", "i"), ip_token: new RegExp("^" + i + "$"), ip: new RegExp("^(?:" + i + "\\.){3}" + i + "$"), tld: /^(AERO|ARPA|ASIA|A[CDEFGILMNOQRSTUWXZ]|BIZ|B[ABDEFGHIJMNORSTVWYZ]|CAT|COM|COOP|C[ACDFGHIKLMNORUVXYZ]|D[EJKMOZ]|EDU|E[CEGRSTU]|F[IJKMOR]|GOV|G[ABDEFGHILMNPQRSTUWY]|H[KMNRTU]|INFO|INT|I[DELMNOQRST]|JOBS|J[EMOP]|K[EGHIMNPRWYZ]|L[ABCIKRSTUVY]||MIL|MOBI|MUSEUM|M[ACDEGHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ]|NAME|NET|N[ACEFGILOPRUZ]|ORG|OM|PRO|P[AEFGHKLMNRSTWY]|QA|R[EOSUW]|S[ABCDEGHIJKLMNORTUVYZ]|TEL|TRAVEL|T[CDFGHJKLMNOPRTVWZ]|U[AGKSYZ]|V[ACEGINU]|W[FS]|XN|Y[ET]|Z[AMW])$/i, search: { email: new RegExp(n, "ig"), email_lws: new RegExp("(^|\\s+)" + n, "ig"), hurl: /(^|\s+)(?:(?:https?|ftps?):\/\/)(?:\S+)/gi, url: /(^|\s+)(?:[\w-]+\.)+(\w{2,})(?::[0-9]+)?(?:\/\S*)?/g, phone_number: /(?:^|\s+)(?:(?:\+?\d{1,3}|\(\d{1,3}\))([-.\s])?)?\d{3,10}(?:([-.\s])\d{3,10})?/gi }, escape: function(e) { return e.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } }; e.exports = o; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { return "number" == typeof e; } e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { e || r.log(t); } var o = n(5), r = { ok: i, isFunction: function(e, t) { i(o(e), t); } }; r.log = function() {}; e.exports = r; }, function(e, t) { function n(e, t) { c = e.$("connection"); u = t.$("tmp"); f = c.$("status$string"); h = c.$("socket_status$string"); p = c.$("disconnection_status$string"); m = c.$("socket_resume_timestamp$int"); g = c.$("socket_open_timestamp$int"); _ = c.$("client_reattached_timestamp$int"); v = e.$("livechat").$("account").$("status$string"); y = e.$("visitor").$("auth_status$string"); c.bindValue(r); } function i() { c && c.unbindValue(r); } function o() { i(); l = clearTimeout(l); c = u = null; f = h = p = m = g = _ = v = y = null; d = void 0; } function r(e) { e && "resume" == e.socket_status$string && (l = setTimeout(r, 1e3)); var t = s(); if (t && t !== d) { u.update({ friendly_connection_status$string: t }); d = t; } } function s() { var e = +new Date(), t = f.getValue(), n = h.getValue(), i = p.getValue(), o = m.getValue(), r = g.getValue(), s = _.getValue(); if ((n || t || i) && "disconnecting" !== i) { if ("break" == n) { if (w.indexOf(t) > -1) return "closed"; if ("disconnected" === i) return "closed"; } return (null === n || "reconnect" == n || "resume" == n && e - o >= 1e3) && "reattached" === t && r <= s ? "connected" : "connecting"; } } function a() { var e = f.getValue(), t = v.getValue(), n = p.getValue(), i = y.getValue(); return "banned" === t ? "banned" : "disconnected" === n ? "failed" === i ? "authentication_failed" : "logged_out" : "idle_disconnect" === e ? "idle_disconnect" : "error" === e || "shutdown" === e ? "server_error" : "unknown"; } var c, u, l, d, f, h, p, m, g, _, v, y, w = [ "idle_disconnect", "shutdown", "error" ], b = { init: n, reset: o, destroy: i, getConnectionClosedReason: a }; e.exports = b; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { t = t || window; r = e.$("livechat").$("profile"); var n = { window: s.extend(t, !0), document: s.extend(t.document, !0) }, i = a.throttle(o, u); n.document.on("mousemove", i); n.window.on("click", i); n.window.on("scroll", i); n.window.on("keypress", i); i(); } function o() { r.write({ active$int: +new Date() }); } var r, s = n(0), a = n(20), c = { init: i }, u = 3e5; e.exports = c; }, function(e, t, n) { var i = n(11), o = { livechat: { timestamp$int: +new Date(), settings: { file_sending: { enabled$bool: !0 }, behavior: { do_not_display$bool: !1 }, theme: { name$string: "simple", message_type$string: "bubble_avatar", colors: { placeholder$string: "_" }, chat_button: { position$string: "br", position_mobile$string: "br" }, chat_window: { position$string: "br", size$string: "medium", profile_card: { display_avatar$bool: !0, display_rating$bool: !0, display_title_name$bool: !0 }, use_banner$bool: !0, title_bar: { hide_minimize$bool: !1, hide_popout$bool: !1 } }, branding: { type$string: "icon_font_zopim" } }, greetings: { online$string: i("Chat With Us"), offline$string: i("Leave a Message") }, banner: { enabled$bool: !0, layout$string: "image_right", text$string: i("Chat with us"), image_path$string: "", image_data$string: "" }, chat_button: { hide_when_offline$bool: !1 }, chat_window: { mobile_mode$string: "popout", title_bar: { title$string: i("support"), status_messages: { online$string: i("We're online."), away$string: i("We're away."), offline$string: i("We're offline.") } } }, login: { allowed_types: { email$bool: !0, facebook$bool: !0, twitter$bool: !1, google$bool: !0 }, phone_display$bool: !1, restrict_profile$bool: !1 }, concierge: { display_name$string: i("Live Support"), title$string: i("Ask us anything"), avatar_path$string: "", avatar_data$string: "", greeting: { enabled$bool: !1, message$string: i("Hi, welcome to our website!") } }, branding: { hide_branding$bool: !1, hide_favicon$bool: !1, custom_favicon_path$string: "" }, language: { language$string: "--" }, cookie_law: { enabled$bool: !1 }, sound: { disabled$bool: !1 }, popout: { enabled$bool: !0 }, rating: { enabled$bool: !0 }, end_chat_menu: { enabled$bool: !0, message$string: "" }, emoticons: { enabled$bool: !1 }, bubble: { enabled$bool: !0, title$string: i("Questions?"), text$string: i("Click here to chat with us") }, forms: { pre_chat_form: { required$bool: !1, profile_required$bool: !1, message$string: "", form: { 0: { name$string: "name", required$bool: 0 }, 1: { name$string: "email", required$bool: 0 }, 2: { label$string: i("Choose a department"), name$string: "department", required$bool: 0, type$string: "department" }, 3: { label$string: i("Message"), name$string: "message", required$bool: 0, type$string: "textarea" }, 4: { label$string: i("Phone"), name$string: "phone", required$bool: 0, type$string: "text", hidden$bool: !0 } } }, offline_form: { message$string: i("Sorry, we aren't online at the moment. Leave a message and we'll get back to you."), message_disabled$string: i("Sorry, we aren't online at the moment."), post_submit_message$string: i("Thanks for the message! We'll get back to you as soon as we can."), profile_required$bool: !0, form: { 0: { name$string: "name", required$bool: 1 }, 1: { name$string: "email", required$bool: 1 }, 2: { label$string: i("Message"), name$string: "message", required$bool: 1, type$string: "textarea" }, 3: { label$string: i("Phone"), name$string: "phone", required$bool: 0, type$string: "text", hidden$bool: !0 } } }, post_chat_form: { header$string: i("Nice chatting with you!"), message$string: i("How would you rate the chat experience you just had?"), comments_enabled$bool: !0, comments_messages: { good: { message$string: i("Thanks for the good rating! Would you like to leave a comment?"), placeholder$string: i("What did you like about this chat?") }, bad: { message$string: i("Sorry that we disappointed you. We'd appreciate it if you could tell us how to improve."), placeholder$string: i("What did you dislike about this chat?") } } }, card_form: {} } } } }; e.exports = o; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { "use strict"; if (null == this) throw new TypeError(); var t = Object(this), n = t.length >>> 0; if (0 === n) return -1; var i = 0; if (arguments.length > 0) { i = Number(arguments[1]); i != i ? i = 0 : 0 != i && i != 1 / 0 && i != -1 / 0 && (i = (i > 0 || -1) * Math.floor(Math.abs(i))); } if (i >= n) return -1; for (var o = i >= 0 ? i : Math.max(n - Math.abs(i), 0); o < n; o++) if (o in t && t[o] === e) return o; return -1; } function i(e, t, n) { return o.call(t, e, n); } var o = Array.prototype.indexOf; "function" == typeof o && /\[native code\]/.test(o.toString()) || (o = n); e.exports = i; }, function(e, t, n) { var i = n(11), o = n(27), r = n(1), s = i("File size too large. Maximum limit is ."), a = i("The file you are trying to send is not supported."), c = i("File sending is temporarily disabled. Please try again later."), u = i(" bytes"), l = i(" KB"), d = i(" MB"), f = {}; f.ERR_SIZE = "TOO_LARGE"; f.ERR_FORMAT = "ILLEGAL_TYPE"; f.ERR_DISABLED = "FILE_UPLOADS_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED"; var h = /^(x-|vnd\.)/i, p = [ "png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "txt", "pdf" ], m = {}, g = i("Failed to send. Please try again."); m[f.ERR_SIZE] = s; m[f.ERR_FORMAT] = a; m[f.ERR_DISABLED] = c; f.prettySize = function() { var e = [ u, l, d ], t = [ 0, 1, 2 ]; return function(n, i) { n = Math.max(parseInt(n, 10) || 0, 0); i = i || {}; for (var o, r = i.base2 ? 1024 : 1e3, s = e.length; s--; ) { o = Math.pow(r, s); if (n >= o) return e[s].replace("", (n / o).toFixed(t[s])); } }; }(); f.prettyType = function(e, t, n) { n = n || window.Infinity; var i = e.split("/")[1]; i = i && i.replace(h, ""); if (i && i.length < n) return i.toLowerCase(); i = t.split(".").pop(); return (i || "").toLowerCase(); }; f.isValidType = function(e, t) { if (e) { t = t || p; var n = e.substr(e.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase(); return -1 !== o(n, t); } }; f.prettyError = function(e, t) { var n = e in m ? m[e] : g; r(t) || (n = n.replace("", f.prettySize(t || 5e6))); return n; }; f.blobToFile = function(e, t, n) { e.lastModifiedDate = new Date(); e.name = t; return new window.File([ e ], t, { type: n }); }; f.getExtension = function(e) { var t = e.lastIndexOf("."); return -1 === t ? null : e.substr(t + 1).toLowerCase(); }; e.exports = f; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t) { f = e; h = t; f.$("livechat").$("channel").$("department_id$int").on("value", function(e) { e && (p = e); }); } function o() { p = void 0; } function r(e, t, n) { var i = parseInt(t, 10) || parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), o = i + "", r = f.$("livechat").$("profile"), s = p, a = (e.msg || "") + ""; "department" in e && (s = e.department); f.$("livechat").$("channel").$("log").$(o).write({ timestamp$int: i, type$string: "chat.msg", msg$string: a, nick$string: r.$("nick$string").getValue() || "", display_name$string: r.$("display_name$string").getValue() || "", department_id$int: s, unverified$bool: !0, __client$bool: !0 }, n); } function s(e, t) { var n = parseInt(t, 10) || parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), i = n + ""; f.$("livechat").$("channel").$("log").$(i).write({ timestamp$int: n, nick$string: f.$("livechat").$("profile").$("nick$string").getValue() || "", display_name$string: f.$("livechat").$("profile").$("display_name$string").getValue() || "", type$string: "chat.file.upload", file_name$string: e.file_name || "", file_type$string: e.file_type || "", file_size$int: e.file_size || 0, unverified$bool: !0, __client$bool: !0 }); return n; } function a(e, t) { function n(e) { if ("ok" !== e.raw.__status) return t(new window.Error(d(e.raw.error))); if (!e.raw.data || "chat.file" !== e.raw.data.type) return t(new window.Error("INTERNAL_ERROR")); t(null, b.pick(e.raw.data, [ "mime_type", "name", "size", "url", "metadata" ])); } var i = k._validateAndPrepareData([ e ]); t = _.once(t); if (m(i)) g(function() { t(new window.Error(i)); }); else { var o = h.registerCallback(n), r = "https://" + i.host + v.CALLBACK_FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, s = { ts: parseInt(h.getServerTime().toFixed(0), 10), __messageID: o, __socketID: h.getSocketID() }, a = { "X-Zopim-MID": i.mid, "X-Zopim-UID": i.uid }, c = { error: function() { t(new window.Error("CONN_ERROR")); }, load: function() { if (200 !== this.status) { var e; try { e = JSON.parse(this.responseText); } catch (e) {} t(e && e.error ? new window.Error(d(e.error)) : new window.Error("INTERNAL_ERROR")); } } }; k._uploadFiles(i.form_data, r, s, a, c); } } function c(e, t) { var n = k._validateAndPrepareData(e); if (m(n)) return n; var i = s({ file_name: n.name, file_type: n.type, file_size: n.size }, t), o = "https://" + n.host + v.FILE_UPLOAD_PATH, r = { ts: i }, a = { "X-Zopim-MID": n.mid, "X-Zopim-UID": n.uid }; k._uploadFiles(n.form_data, o, r, a); } function u(e) { if (!window.FormData) return "NOT_SUPPORTED"; var t = f.$("livechat"), n = t.$("settings").$("file_sending"), i = t.$("settings").$("package"), o = n.$("enabled$bool").getValue(), r = (n.$("allowed_extensions$string").getValue() || "").trim().replace(/\s*,\s*/g, ",").split(","), s = i.$("color_customization_enabled$int").getValue() || i.$("widget_customization_enabled$int").getValue(), a = t.$("profile").$("mid$string").getValue(), c = t.$("profile").$("uid$string").getValue(), u = h.getHost(), l = new window.FormData(), d = [], p = [], m = 0; if (!u) return "CONN_ERROR"; if (!s) return "INVALID_PLAN"; if (!o) return "NOT_ALLOWED"; for (var g = 0, _ = e.length; g < _; g++) { if (!y.isValidType(e[g].name, r)) return "INVALID_EXTENSION"; d.push(e[g].name); p.push(e[g].type); m += e[g].size || 0; l.append("file_" + e[g].name, e[g]); } return m > v.FILE_UPLOAD_MAX ? "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT" : { form_data: l, name: d.join(", "), type: p.join(", "), size: m, host: u, mid: a, uid: c }; } function l(e, t, n, i, o) { var r = new window.XMLHttpRequest(), s = t + (Object.keys(n).length ? "?" + w.buildQuery(n) : ""); if (r.upload) { r.open("POST", s, !0); for (var a in i) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, a) && r.setRequestHeader(a, i[a]); for (var c in o) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, c) && r.addEventListener(c, o[c]); r.send(e); } } function d(e) { return E[e] || "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } var f, h, p, m = n(12), g = n(17), _ = n(9), v = n(3), y = n(28), w = n(8), b = n(6), $ = { NOT_SUPPORTED: "NOT_SUPPORTED", NOT_ALLOWED: "NOT_ALLOWED", CONN_ERROR: "CONN_ERROR", INVALID_EXTENSION: "INVALID_EXTENSION", INVALID_PLAN: "INVALID_PLAN", EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT: "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT", INTERNAL_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNKNOWN_ERROR: "UNKNOWN_ERROR" }, E = { TOO_LARGE: "EXCEED_SIZE_LIMIT", ILLEGAL_TYPE: "INVALID_EXTENSION", NO_SESSION: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNEXPECTED_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", UNABLE_TO_GET_SETTINGS: "INTERNAL_ERROR", S3_UPLOAD_ERROR: "INTERNAL_ERROR", NO_GATES: "INTERNAL_ERROR", FILE_UPLOADS_DISABLED: "NOT_ALLOWED", FILE_UPLOADS_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED: "INVALID_PLAN" }, k = { FILE_SENDING_ERRORS: $, init: i, sendChatMsg: r, sendFiles: c, sendFileWithCallback: a, clearChatDepartmentID: o, _validateAndPrepareData: u, _uploadFiles: l }; e.exports = k; }, function(e, t) { var n = {}; n.SECOND = 1e3; n.MINUTE = 60 * n.SECOND; n.HOUR = 60 * n.MINUTE; n.DAY = 24 * n.HOUR; n.WEEK = 7 * n.DAY; e.exports = n; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { var t = this, n = this.longpoll = new s(!0), i = this.sender = new s(!0); n.on("success", function(e) { t.process_data(e); }); n.on("error", function() { t.abort("longpoll error"); }); i.on("success", function() { t.ondrain && t.ondrain(); }); i.on("error", function() { t.abort("sender error"); }); this.url = "https://" + e; o.window.on("unload", this.unload = function() { t.abort("unload"); }); this.longpoll.load(this.url + [ "c", +new Date() ].join("/")); } var o = n(0), r = i; i.protocol = "xdds"; var s = n(18); i.prototype.process_data = function(e) { if (e && !this._abort) { !this.ts && this.onopen && this.onopen(); this.ts = +new Date(); this.onmessage && this.onmessage(e, this.ts); this.longpoll && this.longpoll.load(this.url + [ "p", +new Date() ].join("/")); } }; i.prototype.send = function(e) { if (this._abort) return !1; var t = this.url + [ "d", +new Date(), window.encodeURIComponent(e) ].join("/"); this.sender && this.sender.load(t); return !1; }; i.prototype.abort = function(e) { if (!this._abort) { this._abort = !0; a("XDDS - abort: " + e); o.window.un("unload", this.unload); this.longpoll.destroy(); this.sender.destroy(); this.longpoll = this.sender = this.unload = null; this.onclose && this.onclose(e); window.CollectGarbage && window.CollectGarbage(); } }; var a = function() {}; e.exports = r; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { var t, n = this; try { t = new i("wss://" + e + [ "c", +new Date() ].join("/")); } catch (e) {} if (t) { t.onclose = function(e) { n.onclose && n.onclose(e); }; t.onerror = function(e) { n.onerror && n.onerror(e); }; t.onmessage = function(e) { n.onmessage && n.onmessage(e.data, +new Date()); }; t.onopen = function(e) { n.onopen && n.onopen(e); }; this.ws = t; } } var i = window.WebSocket || window.MozWebSocket, o = i ? n : null; n.prototype.abort = function() { if (this.ws && !this._aborted) { this._aborted = !0; var e = this.ws; e.readyState == i.CONNECTING ? e.onopen = function() { e.close(); } : e.close(); } }; n.prototype.send = function(e) { this.ws && this.ws.send(e); return !0; }; n.protocol = "ws"; e.exports = o; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { function t(e) { !c && r.onopen && r.onopen(); c = +new Date(); e.origin == i && ("event-stream" == e.data ? s.onload = null : r.onmessage && r.onmessage(e.data, c)); } var n, i, r = this, s = this.iframe = o("iframe"); this.url = "https://" + e; s.src = this.src = n = this.url + [ "c", +new Date() ].join("/"); i = n.match(/https?:\/\/[^\/]+/)[0]; s.onload = function(e) { r.abort(e); }; document.body.insertBefore(s, document.body.firstChild); a("SPM connecting to: " + this.url); window.addEventListener("message", t, !1); this.remove_listeners = function() { window.removeEventListener("message", t, !1); }; var c; } function o(e) { var t = document.createElement(e), n = t.style; n.position = "absolute"; n.width = n.height = 0; n.overflow = "hidden"; return t; } var r = n(2), s = window.postMessage ? !r.isAndroid && i : null; i.protocol = "spm"; i.prototype.send = function(e) { this.iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(e, this.src); return !0; }; i.prototype.abort = function(e) { if (!this._abort) { this._abort = !0; a(e); this.iframe && document.body.removeChild(this.iframe); this.onclose && this.onclose(e); this.remove_listeners(); this.iframe = this.remove_listeners = null; } }; var a = function() {}; e.exports = s; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { function t(e) { c("extracting data"); !n && s.onopen && s.onopen(); n = e; u += i.responseText.substr(l); l = i.responseText.length; u = u.split("\n\n"); for (var t = 0; t < u.length - 1; t++) s.onmessage && s.onmessage(u[t], n); u = u[u.length - 1]; (l > 1048576 && !u.length || l > 4194304) && s.abort(); } var n, i = this.xhr = new r(), s = this, u = "", l = 0; this.url = a + e; i.open("GET", this.url + [ "c", +new Date() ].join("/"), !0); i.onerror = function(e) { s.abort(e); }; if (o.isIE) { i.onprogress = function() { t(+new Date()); }; i.onload = function() { s.abort("close"); }; } else i.onreadystatechange = function() { switch (i.readyState) { case 3: t(+new Date()); break; case 4: s.abort("close"); } }; c("CXHR connecting to: " + this.url); i.send(); } var o = n(2), r = o.isIE ? window.XDomainRequest : !o.isOpera && !o.isAndroid && window.XMLHttpRequest, s = r ? i : null, a = o.isIE ? "//" : "https://"; i.protocol = "cxhr"; i.prototype.send = function(e) { function t() { c.abort("send failed"); } function n() { c.xhr_sender = null; clearTimeout(i); c.ondrain && c.ondrain(); } var i, s = this.url + [ "d", +new Date() ].join("/"), a = new r(), c = this; a.open("POST", s, !0); a.send(e); if (o.isIE) { a.onerror = t; a.onload = n; } else a.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 == a.readyState) { 200 != a.status && t(); n(); } }; i = setTimeout(t, 5e3); this.xhr_sender = a; return !1; }; i.prototype.abort = function(e) { if (!this._abort) { this._abort = !0; c(e); this.xhr && this.xhr.abort(); this.xhr_sender && this.xhr_sender.abort(); this.onclose && this.onclose(e); this.onerror = this.onload = this.onprogress = this.onreadystatechange = this.xhr = this.xhr_sender = null; } }; var c = function() {}; e.exports = s; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e, t, n, o) { this.options = o = o || {}; for (var r in _) r in o || (o[r] = _[r]); if (!m && !o.PREFERRED_PROVIDER) throw "No available transports"; u.extend(this); this.provider = o.PREFERRED_PROVIDER || m; this.id = n || i.generateID(); this.host = e; this.ns = t; this.path = "/" + [ "s", this.ns, this.provider.protocol, this.id ].join("/"); this.url = this.host + this.path + "/"; this.status = window.navigator && !1 === window.navigator.onLine ? "offline" : "connecting"; this.connected = !1; this.quality = 0; this.rtt = o.INITIAL_RTT; this.clock_skew = 0; this.connect_attempts = 0; this.connections = 0; this.disconnects = 0; this.sent_bytes = 0; this.recv_bytes = 0; this.sent_messages = 0; this.recv_messages = 0; this.sent_frames = 0; this.recv_frames = 0; this.lost_frames = 0; this.ooo_frames = 0; this.remote_seq = 0; this.local_seq = 0; this.timeout_server = 0; this.timeout_response_soft = 0; this.timeout_response_hard = 0; this.bytes_at_connect = -1; this.time_last_alive = -1; this.time_last_open = -1; this.starttime = Date.now(); this.uptime = 0; this.connected_time = new a(); this.idle_time = new a(); this.last_frame_time = 0; this.raw_clock_skew = 0; this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in = 0; this.remote_smooth_skewed_transit_time_out = 0; this.cur_conn_recv_messages = 0; this.drained = !0; this.buffer = []; this.glitch_timer = this.reconnect_timer = null; this.reconnect_delay = o.RECONNECT_DELAY_MS * (.2 * Math.random() + .8); this.keep_alive_interval = 15e3; this.data_packet_queue = new c(this); var s = this; this.onoffline = function() { i.prototype.onoffline.call(s); }; this.ononline = function() { i.prototype.ononline.call(s); }; u.window.on("offline", this.onoffline); u.window.on("online", this.ononline); "connecting" === this.status && this.connect(); } function o() { var e = w, t = new Date(), n = t.getUTCFullYear() - 2e3, i = t.getUTCMonth() + 1, o = t.getUTCDate(), r = t.getUTCHours(), s = t.getUTCMinutes(), a = t.getUTCSeconds(), c = t.getUTCMilliseconds(); return e[n] + e[i] + e[o] + e[r] + e[s] + e[a] + e[c >> 6] + e[63 & c]; } function r(e) { for (var t = "", n = w; e-- > 0; ) t += n.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length)); return t; } function s(e, t, n) { return Math.min(n, Math.max(t, e)); } function a() { this.count = 0; this.sum = 0; this.sq_sum = 0; this.mean = 0; this.stddev = 0; } function c(e) { this.socket = e; this.queue = []; this.curFrame = null; this.curIdx = 0; this.last_work_finished_time = 0; this.work_timer = null; this.processing = !1; } var u = n(0), l = n(10), d = n(34), f = n(33), h = n(32), p = n(31), m = h || d || f || p, g = p, _ = { INITIAL_RTT: 1e3, RECONNECT_DELAY_MS: 3e4, FAST_RECONNECT_MS: 100, FLUSH_DELAY_MS: 75, MAX_BLOCKING_TIME_MS: 40, MAX_NO_WORK_TIME_MS: 15, PREFERRED_PROVIDER: void 0 }; i.providers = {}; [ d, f, h, p ].forEach(function(e) { e && (i.providers[e.protocol] = e); }); i.available = function() { return !!m; }; i.generateID = function() { return r(16); }; i.prototype.connect = function(e) { this.debug("connect(" + (e && "glitch" || "") + ")"); if (!this.reconnect_timer) { var t = this, n = this.options, i = !this.connections || !this.cur_conn_recv_messages; !n.PREFERRED_PROVIDER && i && (this.provider = 1 & this.connect_attempts ? g : m); this.response_timer = clearTimeout(this.response_timer); this.timeout_timer = clearTimeout(this.timeout_timer); if (this.socket) { this.socket.onclose = this.socket.ondrain = this.socket.onerror = this.socket.onmessage = this.socket.onopen = null; this.socket.abort("connect"); this.socket = null; } this.connected = !1; this.cur_conn_recv_messages = 0; if (e) { this.reconnect_delay = n.RECONNECT_DELAY_MS * (.2 * Math.random() + .9); this.glitch_timer = setTimeout(function() { t.quality = 0; t.glitch_timer = setTimeout(function() { t.status = "reconnecting"; t.fire_break(); }, s(3 * t.rtt, 1e3, 5e3)); }, s(3 * this.rtt, 1e3, 5e3)); } this.debug("reconnect_delay: " + this.reconnect_delay); clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.reconnect_timer = setTimeout(function() { t.reconnect_timer = null; t.reconnect_delay = Math.min(1.4 * t.reconnect_delay + 1e3, 6e4); t.reconnect_delay *= .2 * Math.random() + .9; t.connect(); }, this.reconnect_delay); this.path = "/" + [ "s", this.ns, this.provider.protocol, this.id ].join("/"); this.url = this.host + this.path + "/"; this.debug("connecting: " + this.url); this.socket = new this.provider(this.url); this.transport = this.provider.protocol; this.connect_attempts++; this.socket.onopen = function() { t.status = "connected"; t.glitch_timer = clearTimeout(t.glitch_timer); t.reconnect_timer = clearTimeout(t.reconnect_timer); t.connections++; t.drained = !0; t.connected = !0; t.time_last_open = t.time_last_alive = Date.now(); t.uptime >= 0 && (t.uptime -= t.time_last_open); 1 == t.connections ? t.fire("open") : t.fire_resume(); t.flush(); t.keep_alive(); t.debug("connected"); -1 == t.bytes_at_connect && setTimeout(function() { t.bytes_at_connect = t.recv_bytes; }, 50); }; this.socket.onmessage = function(e, n) { t.onmessage(e, n); }; this.socket.onclose = function(e) { t._onclose(e); }; this.socket.ondrain = function(e) { t._ondrain(e); }; this.socket.onerror = function(e) { t._onerror(e); }; } }; i.prototype.reconnect = function() { this.reconnect_timer = clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.broken_reason = "FORCED_RECONNECT"; this.connect(); }; i.prototype.send = function(e, t) { if ("disconnected" != this.status) { "null" == this.buffer[0] && (this.buffer = []); this.buffer.push(l.stringify(e)); this.schedule_flush(); t && this.response_timeout(); } }; i.prototype.close = function(e) { this.debug("close()"); this.flush_scheduled = clearTimeout(this.flush_scheduled); this.keep_alive_timer = clearTimeout(this.keep_alive_timer); this.reconnect_timer = clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.response_timer = clearTimeout(this.response_timer); this.timeout_timer = clearTimeout(this.timeout_timer); this.broken_reason || (this.broken_reason = "CLOSE"); this.fire_break(); this.status = e ? "reconnecting" : "disconnected"; this.connected = !1; this.quality = 0; if (this.socket) { this.socket.onclose = this.socket.ondrain = this.socket.onerror = this.socket.onmessage = this.socket.onopen = null; this.socket.abort("close"); this.socket = null; if (!e) { u.window.un("offline", this.onoffline); u.window.un("online", this.ononline); } } }; i.prototype.hibernate = function() {}; i.prototype.onoffline = function() { this.debug("onoffline"); this.broken_reason = "OFFLINE"; this.close(!0); }; i.prototype.ononline = function() { this.debug("ononline"); if ("disconnected" != this.status && !this.connected) { this.reconnect_timer = clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.connect(); } }; i.prototype.schedule_flush = function() { if ("disconnected" != this.status && !this.flush_scheduled && this.drained && this.connected) { var e = this, t = this.options; this.flush_scheduled = setTimeout(function() { e.flush(); }, t.FLUSH_DELAY_MS); } }; i.prototype.flush = function() { if ("disconnected" != this.status && this.buffer.length && this.drained && this.connected) { var e = this.buffer; this.sent_messages += e.length; this.sent_frames++; e = this.generate_frame(e.join("\n")); this.drained = this.socket.send(e); this.sent_bytes += e.length; this.flush_scheduled = clearTimeout(this.flush_scheduled); this.buffer = []; this.keep_alive(); this.time_last_alive = Date.now(); } }; i.prototype.keep_alive = function() { if ("disconnected" != this.status) { clearTimeout(this.keep_alive_timer); var e = this; this.keep_alive_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.debug("pong!"); e.send(null); }, this.keep_alive_interval); } }; i.prototype.response_timeout = function() { if (!this.response_timer) { var e = this, t = s(4 * this.rtt + this.options.FLUSH_DELAY_MS, 2e3, 2e4); this.response_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.timeout_response_soft++; e.debug("response timeout, " + t + "ms"); e.fire_break("SOFT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT"); e.response_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.timeout_response_hard++; e.debug("response timeout - reconnecting"); e.broken_reason = "HARD_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT"; e.connect(!0); }, 2 * t); }, t); } }; i.prototype.reset_server_timeout = function() { clearTimeout(this.timeout_timer); var e = this, t = 4 * this.keep_alive_interval + s(4 * e.rtt, 2e3, 2e4); this.timeout_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.timeout_server++; e.debug("server " + t + "ms timeout, reconnecting"); e.broken_reason = "SERVER_TIMEOUT"; e.connect(!0); }, t); }; i.prototype.fire_break = function(e) { this.broken || this.fire("break", e || this.broken_reason); this.broken = !0; this.broken_reason = ""; this.uptime < 0 && (this.uptime += Date.now()); }; i.prototype.fire_resume = function() { this.broken_reason = ""; this.broken && this.fire("resume"); this.broken = !1; this.uptime >= 0 && (this.uptime -= Date.now()); }; i.prototype.onmessage = function(e, t) { this.recv_bytes += e.length; e = e.split("\n"); if (e.length < 6) this.debug("Bad data: " + e.join("\n")); else { var n = Date.now(), i = +e[0], o = +e[1], r = +e[2], s = (e[3], e[4]); this.calculate_clocks(t || Date.now(), i, o); this.reset_server_timeout(); switch (s) { case "a": this.broken_reason = "ABORT"; this.close(); break; case "d": this.response_timer = clearTimeout(this.response_timer); this.fire_resume(); this.check_sequence(r); this.data_packet_queue.queueFrame(e, 5, n); break; case "e": this.debug("server: Are you still there?"); this.send(null); this.flush(); break; case "n": this.remote_seq = r; this.keep_alive_interval = +e[5] || 15e3; this.debug("keep_alive is " + this.keep_alive_interval + "ms"); this.reset_server_timeout(); this.connections > 1 && this.fire("reopen"); break; case "p": this.debug("ping!"); } } }; i.prototype._onclose = function() { var e = this, t = this.options; 0 == this.connections && 0 == this.disconnects && this.fire("close"); this.debug("_onclose"); this.disconnects++; this.broken_reason = "HANGUP"; if (this.connected) { clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.reconnect_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.reconnect_timer = null; e.connect(!0); }, t.FAST_RECONNECT_MS); } else if (!this.connections && 1 == this.connect_attempts) { clearTimeout(this.reconnect_timer); this.reconnect_timer = setTimeout(function() { e.reconnect_timer = null; e.connect(); }, 0); } this.connected = !1; clearTimeout(this.keep_alive_timer); this.time_last_alive > 0 && this.idle_time.add(Date.now() - this.time_last_alive); this.time_last_open > 0 && this.connected_time.add(Date.now() - this.time_last_open); this.time_last_alive = this.time_last_open = -1; this.uptime < 0 && (this.uptime += Date.now()); }; i.prototype._ondrain = function() { this.drained = !0; this.flush(); }; i.prototype._onerror = function(e) { this.debug("_error"); this.fire("error", e); }; i.prototype.generate_frame = function(e, t) { return [ Date.now(), this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in, ++this.local_seq, this.remote_seq, t || "d", e ].join("\n"); }; var v = Math.pow(50, .1), y = Math.pow(1e3, .1) - v; i.prototype.calculate_clocks = function(e, t, n) { var i = e - t, o = Math.max(0, e - this.last_frame_time), r = 1 / (o / 45e3 + 1); this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in ? this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in = r * this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in + (1 - r) * i : this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in = i; this.remote_smooth_skewed_transit_time_out = n; if (this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in && this.remote_smooth_skewed_transit_time_out) { this.rtt = this.smooth_skewed_transit_time_in + this.remote_smooth_skewed_transit_time_out; this.quality = ~~(100 * (1 - (Math.pow(this.rtt, .1) - v) / y)); this.quality = Math.min(100, Math.max(0, this.quality)); this.raw_clock_skew = i - this.rtt / 2; this.clock_skew ? this.clock_skew = .9 * this.clock_skew + .1 * this.raw_clock_skew : this.clock_skew = this.raw_clock_skew; } this.time_last_alive = this.last_frame_time = e; }; i.prototype.check_sequence = function(e) { if (this.remote_seq + 1 == e) this.remote_seq = e; else if (this.remote_seq < e) { var t = e - this.remote_seq + 1; this.lost_frames += t; this.fire("lost", t); this.remote_seq = e; } else { this.ooo_frames++; this.fire("out_of_order"); } }; m && (i.prototype.transport = m.protocol); i.prototype.debug = function() {}; var w = "+-0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; i.genDate = o; i.genID = r; a.prototype.add = function(e) { this.count++; this.sum += e; this.sq_sum += e * e; this.mean = this.sum / this.count; this.stddev = Math.sqrt(this.sq_sum / this.count - this.mean * this.mean); }; var b = c.prototype; b.queueFrame = function(e, t, n) { this.queue.push({ msgs: e, start_idx: t, receive_time: n }); this.process(); }; b.process = function() { var e = Date.now() - this.last_work_finished_time; if (!(this.processing && e < this.socket.options.MAX_NO_WORK_TIME_MS)) { this.work_timer = window.clearTimeout(this.work_timer); this.processing = !0; this.work(); } }; b.work = function() { for (var e, t, n, i = Date.now() + this.socket.options.MAX_BLOCKING_TIME_MS, o = !1, r = this.socket.recv_frames, s = this, a = 0; a < this.queue.length; a++) { e = this.queue[a]; if (!("start_time" in e)) { e.start_time = Date.now(); e.ticks = 0; e.idx = e.start_idx; } e.ticks++; t = e.msgs; n = t.length; for (;e.idx < n; ) { var c, u = Date.now(); if (u > i) { o = !0; break; } this.socket.dispatch_delay = u - e.receive_time; try { c = l.parse(t[e.idx]); e.idx++; } catch (n) { this.socket.debug("Invalid json message: " + t[e.idx]); continue; } this.socket.fire("message", c); this.socket.recv_messages++; this.socket.cur_conn_recv_messages++; } e.idx >= n && this.socket.recv_frames++; if (o) break; } this.queue.splice(0, this.socket.recv_frames - r); this.queue.length ? this.work_timer = window.setTimeout(function() { s.work(); }, 0) : this.processing = !1; this.last_work_finished_time = Date.now(); }; e.exports = i; }, function(e, t) { function n(e) { return Date.now() - (e ? e.clock_skew : 0); } function i(e) { return e ? { connect_attempts: e.connect_attempts, connections: e.connections, disconnects: e.disconnects, timeout_server: e.timeout_server, timeout_response_soft: e.timeout_response_soft, timeout_response_hard: e.timeout_response_hard, sent_bytes: e.sent_bytes, recv_bytes: e.recv_bytes, sent_messages: e.sent_messages, recv_messages: e.recv_messages, sent_frames: e.sent_frames, recv_frames: e.recv_frames, lost_frames: e.lost_frames, ooo_frames: e.ooo_frames, bytes_at_connect: e.bytes_at_connect, rtt: e.rtt, clock_skew: e.clock_skew, reconnect_delay: e.reconnect_delay, quality: e.quality, host: e.host, status: e.status, last_frame_time: e.last_frame_time, local_time: Date.now() } : { status: "not connected" }; } var o = { getServerTime: n, getConnectionStats: i }; e.exports = o; }, function(e, t, n) { function i(e) { return function() { try { var t = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); t.unshift(r); d.appendChild(r); r.addBehavior("#default#userData"); r.load(l); var n = e.apply(a, t); d.removeChild(r); return n; } catch (e) {} }; } function o(e) { return e.replace(h, "___"); } var r, s = n(10), a = {}, c = window, u = c.document, l = "localStorage"; a.disabled = !1; a.set = function() {}; a.get = function() {}; a.remove = function() {}; a.clear = function() {}; a.transact = function(e, t, n) { var i = a.get(e); if (null == n) { n = t; t = null; } void 0 === i && (i = t || {}); n(i); a.set(e, i); }; a.getAll = function() {}; a.serialize = function(e) { return s.stringify(e); }; a.deserialize = function(e) { if ("string" == typeof e) try { return s.parse(e); } catch (t) { return e || void 0; } }; if (function() { try { return l in c && c[l]; } catch (e) { return !1; } }()) { r = c[l]; a.set = function(e, t) { if (void 0 === t) return a.remove(e); r.setItem(e, a.serialize(t)); return t; }; a.get = function(e) { return a.deserialize(r.getItem(e)); }; a.remove = function(e) { r.removeItem(e); }; a.clear = function() { r.clear(); }; a.getAll = function() { for (var e = {}, t = 0; t < r.length; ++t) { var n = r.key(t); e[n] = a.get(n); } return e; }; } else if (u.documentElement.addBehavior) { var d, f; try { f = new window.ActiveXObject("htmlfile"); f.open(); f.write('